Waiting. There's that word again!


Journal entry by Karen Broadhurst—Jun 26, 2018

"Oh my dear Blake. Words will never be enough to adequately tell you how near and dear to my heart you are. You are one brave young man. You are a life-changer. I think back to the time that you asked to not go trick or treating because you wanted to sit on the porch, in the chill of the night, to hand out candy. I remember passing by the front door and hearing you say to each child that came for a piece of candy, “Trick or Treat, God loves you”. For two straight hours you spoke into the lives of others. I can’t remember your exact age, but I’m pretty sure you were 8 or 9. Or the time a new family moved in across the street and you asked if you could bring some of your toys over to them. In the next ten minutes our Game Cube, PlayStation, all our games, and a bag full of matchbox cars found a new home. I’m sure if I sat here long enough I could write a “Story of Blake.” I’m thinking how awesome it is that you asked if you could give yourself a new name when you were little. Your reason? So you could start life over. So you could be new again. How ironic is it that your new name came about around the same time you accepted Lord as Savior and asked to be baptized. Or that your new name means light or forgiven; although you picked it from the name of a snowboarder on a video game! Oh my Blake, you do truly light up my life."

Cameron Broadhurst